
Statement concerning data protection according to the General Data Protection Regulation Rev. June 2019 

Acquisition of General Information 

If you visit our website, information of a general nature is automatically acquired. This information (server log files) contains, for instance, the kind of web browser, the operating system in use, the domain name of your Internet service provider and similar data. In this case it is a matter exclusively of information which does not permit inferences about you as a person. This information is necessary for technical reasons so as to provide you with the correct requested content from websites and is compulsory when using the Internet. Anonymous information of this kind is evaluated by us statistically, so as to optimise our Internet site and the technology behind it. 

Contact Enquiries 

If you contact us by email, the statements you make will be stored for the purpose of processing the request as well as for possible follow-up questions. 

Applicants and Candidates 

We process and store the data of all applicants and candidates. For this processing the following information is valid: 

  • ∙ €Name and contact details of the person responsible: Solution Society Consulting GMBH. The contact address is [email protected], Solution Society Consulting GMBH, Moosstrasse 98b, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA, Current valid phone number to be found in the imprint. 
  • ∙ €Purpose of processing and legal bases: the purpose of the processing is the search, selection and appointment of members of staff. The legal basis of the processing is the justified interest of the Solution Society Consulting GMBH in appointing members of staff. This interest is not opposed by any overriding interests or basic rights and basic freedoms of the person concerned. 
  • ∙ €Categories of the data processed: the contact data of the person concerned are processed, general statements about the person, education and previous activity; about special qualifications, for example entitlements, and knowledge, for example knowledge of foreign languages; furthermore documents provided by the person concerned, for instance curriculum vitae, certificates, degrees, etc. 
  • ∙ €Source of the data: the data are supplied to the Solution Society Consulting GMBH in principle by the person concerned him- or herself. Data stored beyond this come from publicly accessible sources, e.g. professionally oriented social networks such as XING or LinkedIn. 
  • ∙ €Receiver of the data: in individual cases data can be forwarded to the Rudolf Weinberger Holding GmbH, which is on a superior level. The data can also be forwarded to a personnel consultant commissioned by the Solution Society Consulting GMBH. The personnel consultants are contractually and explicitly obliged to deal confidentially with these data. Data are not forwarded anywhere else. 


  • ∙ €Duration of the storage of data: the aim of the processing is the creation of a permanent association between the Solution Society Consulting GMBH and possible members of staff. Therefore the data are stored for five years independently of the conclusion or the continuation of an employment contract. 
  • ∙ €Rights of the person concerned: the General Data Protection Regulation grants the person concerned a series of rights. In detail these are: 

o the right to information 

The request for information can be made informally. The person concerned simply has to prove his or her identity, for instance in the case of requests made by telephone, so that the information can be securely given only to the person concerned. 

∙ the right to correction;
o the right to erasure; 

o the right to limitation;
o the right to data transfer o the right to objection 

If you intend to use one of these rights, please refer to the contact address as stated. 

  • ∙ €Revocation of permission: in so far as an applicant has agreed that his or her personally relevant data can be processed, he or she is entitled to revoke this permission at any time. 
  • ∙ €Right of objection: according to article 77 of the GDPR each person concerned has the right of complaint to a supervisory authority, if he or she is of the opinion that the processing of the data relevant to that person violates the GDPR. The relevant authority in Austria is the 

o ÖsterreichischeDatenschutzbehörde 

o Wickenburggasse8 

  • ∙ €Legally or contractually prescribed provision of data: if an employment contract 

is agreed upon, it follows that it is legally and contractually necessary to provide data. This is for reasons related to tax laws, regulations on social security and other necessary regulations (in particular concerning the labour law). 

o Processing of the data for a reason other than the purpose stated here does not occur. 

Marketing, Clients and Suppliers 

We process and store the data of potential or existing business partners and the contact persons. For this processing the following information is valid: 

∙ Name and contact details of the person responsible: Solution Society Consulting GMBH. The contact address is [email protected], Solution Society Consulting GMBH, Moosstrasse 98b, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA, Current valid phone number to be found in the imprint. 

Purpose of processing and legal bases: the purpose of the processing is the transmission of data for marketing purposes, especially for acquiring new clients or suppliers and to foster the business relationship with existing clients or suppliers. The legal basis of the processing is the justified interest of the Solution Society Consulting GMBH in acquiring clients and the conclusion of contracts, and in acquiring and cooperating with suitable suppliers. This interest is not opposed by any overriding interests or basic rights and basic freedoms of the person concerned, especially since only such data are processed that have been supplied by the person him- or herself, concerned, or which are generally accessible. 

  • ∙ €Categories of the data processed: the name, position in the company, contact data and information about contacts that have taken place are stored. 
  • ∙ €Source of the data: the data are supplied to the Solution Society Consulting GMBH by the person concerned him- or herself, or come from publicly accessible sources such as company data banks. 
  • ∙ €Receiver of the data: data are forwarded only to business partners and with the consent of the person concerned. Transmittal to third countries occurs only within the terms of the GDPR. 
  • ∙ €Duration of the storage of data: data about potential clients / suppliers are stored with regard to renewed contact without any time limit. 
  • ∙ €Rights of the persons concerned: the General Data Protection Regulation grants the person concerned a series of rights. In detail these are: 
  • ∙ €the right to information; 

The request for information can be made informally. The person concerned simply has to prove his or her identity, for instance in the case of requests made by telephone, so that the information can be securely given only to the person concerned. 

  • ∙ €the right to correction; 

o the right to erasure; 

o the right to limitation;
o the right to data transfer; o the right to objection. 

If you intend to use one of these rights, please refer to the contact address as stated. 

  • ∙ €Revocation of permission: in so far as a person concerned has given consent to the processing of his or her personally relevant data, he or she is entitled to revoke this permission at any time. 
  • ∙ €Right of objection: according to article 77 of the GDPR every person concerned has the right of complaint to a supervisory authority, if he or she is of the opinion that the processing of the data relevant to that person violates the GDPR. The relevant authority in Austria is the 

o ÖsterreichischeDatenschutzbehörde o Wickenburggasse8 

o 1080 Vienna 


∙ Legally or contractually prescribed provision of data: a legal or contractually prescribed provision of data does not exist. Processing of the data for a reason other than the purpose stated here does not occur. 


For handling contracts with agents the Solution Society Consulting GMBH stores the data of business partners and contact persons. 

For this processing the following information is valid: 

  • ∙ €Name and contact details of the person responsible: Solution Society Consulting GMBH. The contact address is [email protected], Solution Society Consulting GMBH, Moosstrasse 98b, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA, current valid phone number to be found in the imprint.
  • ∙ €Purpose of processing and legal bases: the purpose of the processing is the handling of commission agreements, in other words ascertaining, invoicing and making commission payments. The legal basis of the processing are the legal obligations resulting from the commercial agency law and the fulfilment of the existing contract. 
  • ∙ €Categories of the data processed: the name, address, contact data, contracts and accounting details are stored. 
  • ∙ €Source of the data: the data are supplied to the Solution Society Consulting GMBH by the person concerned him- or herself, or come from the handling of the concluded contract. 
  • ∙ €Receiver of the data: the data are forwarded to tax accountants, auditors, authorities and banks. Transmittal to third countries occurs only within the terms of the GDPR. 
  • ∙ €Duration of the storage of data: the data are stored until the termination of the business relationship and beyond so long as the legal periods of storage exist or as long as legal claims from the business relationship can be enforced, i.e. as a rule three years and four months; if other periods are contractually provided for, up to three years and four months after the expiry of this term; seven years for all data relevant to the income tax law. 
  • ∙ €Rights of the person concerned: the General Data Protection Regulation grants the person concerned a series of rights. In detail these are: 
  • ∙ €the right to information
    o The request for information can be made informally. The person 

concerned simply has to prove his or her identity, for instance in the case of requests made by telephone, so that the information can be securely given only to the person concerned. 

  • ∙ €the right to correction; 

o the right to erasure; 

o the right to limitation;
o the right to data transfer; o the right to objection. 


If you intend to use one of these rights, please refer to the contact address as stated. 

  • ∙ €Revocation of permission: in so far as person concerned has agreed that his or her personally relevant data can be processed, he or she is entitled to revoke this permission at any time. 
  • ∙ €Right of objection: according to article 77 of the GDPR each person concerned has the right of complaint to a supervisory authority, if he or she is of the opinion that the processing of the data relevant to that person violates the GDPR. The relevant authority in Austria is the 

o ÖsterreichischeDatenschutzbehörde o Wickenburggasse8 

o 1080 Vienna 

∙ Legally or contractually prescribed provision of data: the provision of the data is necessary for legal reasons (commercial agency law, fiscal agency law) and to fulfil the contract. 

Processing of the data for a reason other than the purpose stated here does not occur. 

Accountancy and Controlling 

We process and store the data of our business partners or of the contact person in the context of our accounting and ERP-system.
For this processing the following information is valid: 

Name and contact details of the person responsible: Solution Society Consulting GMBH. The contact address is [email protected], Solution Society Consulting GMBH, Moosstrasse 98b, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA, Current valid phone number to be found in the imprint. 

Purpose of processing and legal bases: the purpose of the processing is the transmission of data to meet all legal and other terms in connection with the accounting system and book-keeping; handling of the invoicing and payment transactions; compiling the annual closing of accounts, compiling evaluations for informing the management and guaranteeing the required internal supervision. 

The existing laws and other legal obligations, the fulfilment of the contracts concluded with our business partners as well as the justified interest in the proper management of the company form the legal basis of the processing. 

  • ∙ €Categories of the data processed: the reference data of the business partner, contact person stating his/her function and contact data are stored as well as all data necessary for the proper handling of all business cases and all legally prescribed procedures. 
  • ∙ €Source of the data: the data are supplied to the Solution Society Consulting GMBH by the person concerned him- or herself, or come from the handling of the concluded contracts with our business partners. 
  • ∙ €Receiver of the data: besides the business partner the data are forwarded to banks, authorities, and to tax accountants. Beyond this there is no other forwarding of data. Transmittal to third countries occurs only within the terms of the GDPR. 
  • ∙ €Duration of the storage of data: the data are stored until the termination of the business relationship and beyond so long as the legal periods of storage exist or as long as legal claims from the business relationship can be enforced, i.e. as a rule three years and four months; if other periods are contractually provided for, up to three years and four months after the expiry of this term; seven years for all data relevant to the income tax law. 
  • ∙ €Rights of the person concerned: the General Data Protection Regulation grants the person concerned a series of rights. In detail these are: 

o the right to information 

The request for information can be made informally. The person concerned simply has to prove his or her identity, for instance in the case of requests made by telephone, so that the information can be securely given only to the person concerned. 

∙ the right to correction;
o the right to erasure; 

o the right to limitation;
o the right to data transfer; o the right to objection. 

If you intend to use one of these rights, please refer to the contact address as stated. 

  • ∙ €Revocation of permission: in so far as a person concerned has agreed that his or her personally relevant data can be processed, he or she is entitled to revoke this permission at any time. The revocation refers solely to the processing of such data which are not necessary for fulfilling the contract and for adhering to legal obligations. 
  • ∙ €Right of objection: according to article 77 of the GDPR each person concerned has the right of complaint to a supervisory authority, if he or she is of the opinion that the processing of the data relevant to that person violates the GDPR. The relevant authority in Austria is the 

o ÖsterreichischeDatenschutzbehörde o Wickenburggasse8 

o 1080 Vienna 

∙ Legally or contractually prescribed provision of data: a legal or contractually prescribed provision of data only exists, if a business relationship has been concluded and the provision of data is necessary for legal, in particular fiscal reasons for the fulfilment of the contract. 

Processing of the data for a reason other than the purpose stated here does not occur. 


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Content Inclusion 

Our website includes content (videos, pictures, photos) from external providers. Like most websites, these can use Cookies to collect information about visitors to the pages. To find out which specific data are collected and how these are used, please refer to the information on data protection of the relevant provider. By adjusting your browser software accordingly you can prevent the installation of the Cookies. 


No Liability for the Websites of Partner Companies 

On our webpages we refer to various cooperation partners, who, for their part, offer web pages and web services. As a rule these have their own statements on data protection. We assume no liability for these statements which have no connection with us. Please find out about the relevant practice there on data protection. 

Change in our Terms of Data Protection 

We reserve the right to occasionally adjust this statement on data protection so that it always corresponds to the current legal requirements or to implement changes in our services, e.g. the introduction of new services. The new statement on data protection is then valid for your renewed visit. 

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